
Welcome to ERRAC

The European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) was established in 2001 to serve as a much-needed single European body with both the competence and capability to help revitalise the EU’s rail sector and make it more competitive by fostering increased innovation and guiding research efforts at European level. Since its conception, ERRAC has managed to gather all major rail stakeholders in its ranks. The council brings together representatives from the sector such as manufacturers, operators and infrastructure managers as well as the European Commission, the European Union Agency for Railways, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, EU Member States, academics and users’ groups. ERRAC covers all forms of rail transport, ranging from conventional, high speed and freight applications to urban and regional services.


“ERRAC sets out a progressive view and agenda for how a fully technically transformed railway could become the backbone of mobility and play a much wider role in meeting the needs of European citizens and business as well as protect natural resources and the environment.”

Roland Moser, chairman ERRAC


The European Rail Research Advisory Council’s (ERRAC) primary objective is to communicate the railway sector’s common Research & Innovation vision to the European institutions and other important stakeholders. By doing so, the council aims to help shape a favourable funding landscape for railway research initiatives that drive innovation via calls for projects and joint undertakings like the influential Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and its successor programme Europe’s Rail.



ERRAC Rail Research and Innovation Agenda (RRIA) – September 2024

The ERRAC Rail Research and Innovation Agenda (RRIA) produced by ERRAC (Europe Rail Research Advisory Council) has been first presented at InnoTrans on 24 September 2024. Following the RAIL 2030 Vision and the Manifesto, this document is an important input of the rail...

All Transport Platforms advocate for Transport Research in FP10

The European Technology Platforms ACARE, ALICE, ERRAC, ERTRAC and Waterborne have adopted the attached joint position paper advocating for Transport Research in the next EU Framework Programme for Research (FP10). Together, they call to highlight Transport Research in...

ERRAC held its plenary meeting on 22 May 2024 in Brussels

The European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) held a significant plenary meeting at the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie Auditorium in Brussels. The event began with a welcome from ERRAC Chairman Dr. Andrzej Massel and approval of the agenda. Judit Sandor,...

ERRAC has a new look!

ERRAC is happy to announce that after 20 years, it has renewed its look and launched a brand new logo. ERRAC1 was launched in 2001 to help revitalise Europe’s rail sector and make it more competitive by fostering and guiding research and innovation efforts. Now, after… Online casino VIP program – Slots-Online-Canada.ca/online-casinos/VIP/, read our article and browse through the best loyalty programs available at online casinos brands.

A younger generation advancing railways: meet the winners of the TRA VISIONS Young Researcher Competition 2022

The EU-funded TRA VISIONS Young Researcher Competition (YRC) is an academic contest showcasing the ground-breaking and novel developments of undergraduates and post-graduates, alongside early-stage professional researchers across the transport sector. Following...

Let’s make Multi-Modal transport easy for everyone!

ERRAC is launching its Ambassadors programme for steering rail research in Europe Interview with the new Ambassador and Technical Expert on Multi-Modality, Alessandra Berto   In 2022 ERRAC, the European Rail Research Advisory Council, has launched its Manifesto...

ERRAC highlights the essence of rail research at TRA Conference with Plenary meeting and booth

On 15 November 2022, the ERRAC Plenary Meeting brought together high-level representatives from the European Commission, Europe’s Rail and the railway and public transport sector. They discussed rail research priorities, sector developments and challenges to be...

Innovation in energy management: Contribution of railways to sustainable mobility

The Spanish Railways Technology Platform (PTFE) just published a position paper entitled: “Innovation in energy management: Contribution of railways to sustainable mobility”. The document analyses the role of innovation in energy management in infrastructure, rolling...

Phase One of the Spanish Railway Foundation’s ’conCiencia de Tren’ project comes to an end

The Spanish Railway Foundation (Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles - FFE) has completed the first phase of its project ’conCiencia de Tren: Acercando la ciencia y la tecnología del ferrocarril a la ciudadanía’, which aims to inform citizens about the railways’...

Railways are the first choice! ERRAC launches Manifesto of Future Mobility

Railways play a vital role in keeping our cities and regions moving. They enable economic development, create employment, and connect places and people. Besides providing a safe and sustainable mode of transport, rail can tackle some of the most pressing challenges of...